Document Type : Original Article


1 Technical and Vocational University, Eghlid Women’s Branch, Eghlid, Iran.

2 Technical and Vocational University, Eghlid Women's Branch, Eghlid, Iran



The more teachers are aware of the learning pattern of their students, the more successful ways they can use their teaching methodology to encourage them to feel more inspired and appreciate the classroom environment. Some students may enjoy listening guidance, whereas others may feel better about tactile or kinesthetic training. The lack of knowledge on these issues can create problems in teaching-learning strategy. The purpose of this research was to have a precise look on the relationship between teaching through learning styles and motivation of Iranian technical students. In so doing, 120 technical university students were asked to participate in this study. Two questionnaires of learning styles and motivation were used to collect data. The results of statistical analysis of learning styles and motivational strategies questionnaire showed that there is a significant relationship between the technical students’ learning styles and their motivation. It was also found that kinesthetic learning style is a significant predictor of their motivation. The participants of the present study were aware of different learning styles in their process of learning and put much more emphasis on their shoulders indicating that teacher should raise their motivation and try their best to fulfill their educational requirements. Results can provide means for the use of these techniques in the instructional environment.
