Style Sheet


 Use Time New Roman, font size 14, bold face, and capitalize each word.

Author and Affiliation:

The author’s name (without academic title, e.g. Dr.) should be written in Time New Roman, font size 12, italics and justified. Write author's affiliation below the name in Calibri, font size 11, 1.5 spacing.


Not more than 200 words, Time New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing.

Not more than 6 keywords in alphabetic order, capitalize first letter of each word, Time New Roman, font size 12.


Font: Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing. Examples font size 11, end-notes font size 10, and references font size 12

Section headings should be in bold and numbered using Arabic numerals with (e.g. 1; 1.1; 1.1.1). Capitalize only the first letter of the first word.

Spacing: Use double spacing in the body of manuscript. . For abstract, long citations, examples, end-notes and references use single spacing.

Margins: standard A4 pages in single column format (margin 2.5 cm.)

Paragraphs: Do not indent paragraphs. The entire text, including references must be justified. Leave a blank line between paragraphs. 

Notes: Avoid using notes, if possible. When using notes, use end-of-text notes rather than footnotes. End-notes should be numbered and in font size 10, placed after the main text and followed by references.

 Use only one space between words and after punctuation marks.

Examples: Examples should be numbered, italics, font size 11.

Tables, graphs and pictures: All tables, graphs and pictures should be in MS Word format 2010, ordered numerically and have a caption above the table, graph or picture in font 11.

In the text, spell out numbers one - twelve and all numbers in sentence initial position.


Appendices should follow the references section and must be referenced in the body of article. Appendices should be written in Time New Roman, font size 11, single spacing.


References should be written in APA 7th edition.

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Autors should fill in and sign in the copyright form once the paper is accepted. The link is :